
Japan's Must-Read Magazine

Images of Japan: A Special Digital Exhibition by Japanzine

We are happy to announce the call for submissions for “Images Of Japan: A Special Digital Exhibition by Japanzine”

Our objective is to present a series of thought-provoking and stimulating images in an interactive edition for the iPad. We are seeking images that present Japan from a unique vantage point, one which says as much about the country and the culture as it does about the person behind the lens. We want to see Japan as you do, and to discover your relationship to it through the images you capture.

We are accepting all forms of photographic media (including moving images). In addition to photography, we are requesting that the photographer submit a brief prose companion to their work. This text can be simple or complex, subtle or straightforward, explanatory or mystifying. What we want is some words to attach to the imagery, words that provoke thought and debate. We are seeking to encourage others to view Japan from a different set of eyes and are looking for thoughts to amplify the meaning of the images we will publish in this unique digital exhibition.

The specifications for submitting images are as follows:

If you are submitting more than one image please put the images (in high resolution jpeg format) into a single .zip file prior to sending.

Any additional text that you wish to present with your images should be included in a text file along with the file names of the images as well as the names (if any) of the works you are submitting.

Please also include the following information so that we can contact you:

Email Address
Telephone Number

We are also happy to publish your profile if your work is accepted. If you wish for us to feature you in this way please submit a 100 word profile including your website and any professional email contact along with a profile photo.

Please note that the photographer will retain ownership and full rights to each image submitted and selected. We do reserve the right to use the image(s) in the publication. Some images will also be posted online for promotional purposes and be used in print advertisements for the project.

Email your entire submission in one .zip file to (message max size 50 megabytes)

The deadline for submissions is September 30th, 2012. The publication date is slated for November 2012.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the us via email at

Telephone enquiries are welcome at